Monday, December 12, 2011

Responses from Readers on the Blog

Mr Siva Sakthivel from Chennai has posted the following comments:

Chennai, Dec 5th, 2011 - Topic: Why one should read Astrology?
I like the sentence "If we die unconciously we have rebirth. "Punarabi Maranam, Punarabi Jananam." If we die conciously we do not have rebirth. All Holy persons die consciously."
People like me believe the above sentence.
Thanks for your post.

Thank you Siva for your understanding.

Chennai, Dec 6th, 2011 - Topic: MandookamNamaskaram,

Today it is very helpful to recall the subject and as well new things came to know from your site (blog). Thank you so much. I bookmarked your blog.

Thank you Siva for your comments.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Dec 6, 2011, Ms Shyamala from Chennai has written on Pancha Maha Purusha Yogam

Sir ..can you elaborate this....say if one gets sasa maha yogam what all benefits does he enjoy apart from longevity?
it would be nice if you can elaborate it for all the 5 yogams

Thank you Ms Shyamala. You have got it. A new post is there today on Sasa Yoga in question and answer style. Please look for it. If you have any question please feel free to ask.


Mr Vijakumar from Singapore has written on 6th Dec 2011.

Excellent wordings and keep doing .
I will forward this information to my wife go is very much interested in Horoscope,as she also belongs to your same star and raasi.

Thks /Regards,

Thanks Vijay.


  1. Sasa Yogam
    sir thank you for this elaboration. it was wonderful. Please do elaborate for other yogams too
    thanking you

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the information.I heard a lot about vedic astrology yogas from
