Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Planets and Diseases

Different planets have juristiction over different parts of our body and also have certain inherent tendency to produce some typical diseases. Let's see the details.


Weak Eyesight, headaches, disturbances in blood circulation, affecting the strength of bones, baldness, palpitation, hyper-irritability, fever, and all troubled caused by Pittha.


Mental aberration, menstrual disorders, skin diseases, anemias, nerveousness, effusions - sometimes serious nature, uterus problems, dropsy, tuberclosis etc.,


Loss of control on blood resulting in BP, tissue breakages, fevers, burns, mental aberrations, timidity when in debilitation or in inimical houses, wounds, irritability, eruptions, epilepsy, tumers etc.,


Mental disturbances, nerve disorders, strung nerves, breakdown, neuromas, leucoderma, excessive swetting, vertigo, impotence, deafness, sensitiveness and allergy etc.,


Jaundice, diseases of liver, vertigo, laziness, chronicity of any disease, diseases in gall bladder, general lassitude, idiosynchrosies, aneamias, sleeping sickness and anything caused by excessive fats, diabetes


Diseases in uterus, genetal organs, sensitiveness, carbuncles, diabetes, stricture urethra, stones in bladder or kidneys, parotitys euphoria, lacrimal troubles, cataract and waekness of sexual organs etc.,


Paralysis, Insanity, chronicity of diseases, cancer and other tumers, diseases on joints, elephantiasis, idiocy and glandular diseases, nerve breakdowns etc.,


Hiccough, slowness of action, clumsiness, intestinal diseases, insanity, ulcers, leprosy, general debility, boils, eclampsia, varicose veins, disease of spleen and adrenals etc.,


Intestinal worms, equidemics, erruptive fevers, low blood pressure as against Mars who causes high blood pressure, deafness, defective speech. Ketu also produces high BP also with certain combinations.

The above are only a few of the diseases caused by planets. Many other specific diseases are caused by the combination of different planets.