Monday, April 15, 2013

Some Useful Facts in Astrological predictions

Hi Friends, 
I am going to give you some useful prediction clues to you in the forthcoming blog posts so that you yourself can review your charts and make predictions. I believe it will run into thousands of such clues. I will give 10 each so that we will reach the full level after seeing your feed backs.

Let us all Know……..
1.    If the lagnathipthi is posited in 10th house, ruler of 10th house is posited in 9th house along with ruler of 9th house; the native will become very rich, good in deeds and will achieve name and fame.
2.    If the rulers of 9th and 10th are strongly placed in either 5th or 9th, the native will rise in life to great heights.
3.    If the rulers of 5th and 10th exchanged their place the native will be vry rich in his life.
4.    Every planet is destined to have a particular age as the most significant age. For Sun it is 22. For Moon it is 24. For Mars it is 28. For Mercury it is 32. For Jupiter it is 16. For Venus it is 25. For Saturn it is 35. For Rahu it is 42. For Ketu it is 48. These periods are significant because if the planets are posited in a strong and unblemished manner the good things obtained from the planets start from the age mentioned against each planet. For example for a Danur Lagna horoscope, Sun is posited in Simha or Mesha, then for this native when reaches the age of 22, good results from Sun will start. For Mithuna Lagna horoscope the ruler of 5th, Venus is posited in 10th house means at the age of 25 the native will be gifted with a boy who will be really lucky for the native. Otherwise the native will make good gains in his career. This is applicable for all planets.
5.    If Jupiter is posited in Kataka, then the native will start enjoying all the benefits like money, property etc at the age of 16. If this Jupiter who is posited in Kataka belongs to a native whose lagna is Kataka, then the native will get all benefits from his father at the age of 16. For Vrichika Lagna native the same Jupiter who belongs to 2nd and 5th house will bring sudden success at the age of 16 on educational as well as monetary positions.
6.    Similarly if Rahu and Ketu occupies a good house with good conjunctions, good aspects and good connections, then good period will start to the native at the age of 42 and 48 respectively.
7.    When a planet gets its strength by positing himself at 10th house and the ruler of the 10th house is also strong, then the native will reach higher positions in his career.
8.    When Saturn is posited in 10th house, the native will achieve higher positions by his sheer hard work.
9.    When the rulers of 6th, 8th and 12th houses are posited in 10th house ther will always be hindrances in career.
10.  When Sun and Mars joined together and posited in 10th without any bad aspects then  the native will go to higher positions in career. He will certainly get associated with Government or Army or Police positions.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Some thoughts on Jeevanam of an individual astrologically

All those who study Astrology knows that 10th House is called as Karma Sthana, Jeevana Sthana, Rajya Sthana etc., Indications of this house are Profession for livelihood, honour, father (9th house also indicates father). Karma, royalty or authority, place, living in foreign lands (opposite to 4th house which indicates living in own country) and debts.

The significators (Karaka) of the 10th house are Jupiter, Sun, Mercury and Saturn. We should think and find out the logic behind allotting the four planets as karakas. Why at all there should be four planets and what is the reason for choosing Ju, Su, Me and Sa?

One logic, I can say is that Ju is the Dhanakarakan. Su is the karakan for authority and power. We can also call him signifying Karma. Me is related with Buddhi  and Money. Saturn is Jeevana Karakan due to hard work.

Lagu Parasari, the famous book of astrology says that the 2nd lord and 12th lord will give the results of the houses they sit. This means that these two lords will act as per the house they occupy. If they occupy the 6th house, for example they give the results of 6th house.

The second house indicates wealth, sustenance of the first house and 12th house indicates the losses. As both factors are crucial for the career, we will see it in this angle. For the Chart of kalapurusha, the Jeevanasthana is 10th house and that of Makara. Its second house is generally ruled by Saturn and its 12th house is ruled by Jupiter. Now consider the 10th house as Lagna. If the rulers of second house that is Saturn and 12th house that is Jupiter are placed in 10th house they will give the results of 10th house as per Lagu Parasari.

Coming again, we all know that lagna is the indication of native’s birth. The ending of this birth – Ayus – is indicated in the 8th house. The 8th house is also called the house of transformations and sudden changes. Now look at the 8th bava from 10th house. It is 5th house. This 5th house indicates pre-destiny – Poorva Punniam. In the natural Kalapurusha hosroscope, the 5th house is Simha which is ruled by Sun. Thus we come to know the logic of bringing Sun as the Karaka for 10th house. 5th house is the house of fruits –benefits. 10th house is karmic house. Sun is the Karma Karaka. What Bagavan Krishna says? Do your Karma and do not expect results.

The Kalapurusha’s 3rd house is owned by Mercury. The 8th house from this is 10th house. That means the transformation of 3rd house is 10th house. Thus Mercury becomes the Karaka for 10th house.

When the Saturn becomes Karaka of the 10th house, the native becomes highly ambitious, wants to grow in life, wants to make a lot of gains and believes in him. This is because the Saturn is the ruler of the 11th house and is the ruler of second from 10th, dhanasthana of 10th and the place of its sustenance.

When we consider Jupiter as the karaka, it makes the native to have his jeevanam due to his own past karma. Ju is the ruler of 12th house to 10th house. The income, status etc are due to his own karma, his following up of Dharma in the past birth etc.

When Mercury becomes the Karaka, it makes the native to invite his jeevanam due to the karma or efforts of his present birth. It is the ruler of 6th and 9th houses from the 10th house.

When Sun becomes  the karaka, the native lives based on the Past karma Continuity that is called Sanjitha Karma. Past sins will make him suffer. Past good activities makes him live a happy life. Sun rules the 8th house from the 10th house.

We should note that all karakas are under the influence of 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th houses.

The first house is always internal self. The 5th house is always the past destiny. The 7th house is always external life or external self. The 9th house is always future destiny. All these houses have some intrinsic connections to the jeevanam of a native.